♪ #0106 ☼

Flowers → ::Static:: Blossoms - 06 Daisies White Gacha @The Gacha Garden

Hair → Wasabi // Rainbow Mesh Hair Reds Gacha @The Epiphany

Head → CATWA HEAD Catya

Eyes → {Demicorn} Exo Eyes - Celadon RARE @The Gacha Garden

Ears → :Lg: - :Gacha: - Ruby&Stars #13 RARE @The Gacha Garden

Body → Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V4.1

Dress → 01 RARE Sorumin & Yokai - Hey, lovely! GACHA @The Gacha Garden

Wings → 6.Yokai - Heaven GACHA - Wings with pearls (silver) @The Gacha Garden

Feel free to visit Gimme Gacha

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